I woke up late and I didn’t have anything to do. Then I remembered that I have to marathon 2 whole some anime to get back on track. So, I visited this web called Anime-Sensei.com to hunt down some anime to download and that’s where I saw the title “Bakuman”. Hey, I’ve read about this! Kyokai and the Metanorn gang had made quite an extensive Fall Season post, as well! So, I searched for the released episodes and clicked on Bakuman Episode 1.
When it started playing, I had the feeling that. I’ve got the wrong anime??? WHAT’S THAT KIDDY PROGRAM HERE??? Hahahahahah! Thank God I didn’t stop the video player, or I’d miss the fun! GOD, it was absolutely PERFECT!
(Since I’m writing an impressions’ post here, I don’t have to give you a summary, too, do I? Well, if you want one, just GOOGLE IT! Besides, me giving you the summary would spoil the fun, since I totally SUCK when it comes to explaining what’s happening in a story!)
By the way, I'm worshipping Shuto! SHUUUUUJIN-SAMAAAAAAA!!! XP
What were I saying? Ah, yeah! It was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! I don’t know about everyone else, but I found Bakuman SOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!!! This is the best anime I’ve got my hands on in a while, HANDS DOWN! Nice plot, respectable animation (the reaction faces are SERIOUSLY EPIC!!!), continuously flowing storyline, acceptable character development, lots of fun, WHAT ELSE COULD YOU ASK FOR, MAN?!?! The way I see it, it’s a package of DELICIOUS TREATS!!! I had fun watching the 3 episodes so far! I went “Kyaaaaaaaaaaah!” like crazy, like when I read Yaoi, (oops! I forgot to inform you that I’ve come to be a globally recognised fujoshi, my friends on Facebook already know that!) but for no weird reasons, of course! There’s light romance (the fangirl part), the classic searching-for-my-path-in-life and want-to-achieve-my-goals main story (the message part), characters you can identify yourself with one way or another (the heart-warming part) and, of course lots of unexpected happenings that always make you laugh, or at least crack a smile (the light and funny part)! My humble opinion is that this anime is a real jewel for this season, all my expectations were fulfilled to the fullest and I’m gonna follow it to the bits! I’m very excited to watch the next episode!