Dec 28, 2010
Dec 24, 2010
Aku ni memang tamak, anime yang baru beli pun tak abih tengok, dok kebaih yang lain. Sebelum ni beli sampai dua DVD anime, pastu dok beli yang lain plak. Jenoh haih mana nak letak suma DVD2 ni suma. Tapi takpa asalkan aku PUAS. HAHAHA. Perlu ada rak khas untuk DVD anime aku je :P. Total suma 26 DVD's. No no still not enough! Have to collect more XDD. Mada-mada dane >_<. Ermm, i'm thinking and thinking and thinking about this. I want to stop reading YAOI? huhhhhhhhhhhhh WHAT? is it true ANISAH?? hahahaha. Yeah you heard me. But seriously i just watch yaoi for fun. No it's not wrong to like yaoi. I think the romance is super sweet in yaoi/shounen-ai and you get the extra bonus of it being two hot guys! Plus it's not even real, it's pure fantasy. Once you watch yaoi, there's no return back. hahahaha. lol. just kidding XD. Ah need to stop reading it but how?? but now me rarely read yaoi manga these past two weeks. Is it a good sign?? Oh well just watch and see what will gonna happen.
Dec 23, 2010
The days passing by, If you haven't realized it is already December 23. So much has happened these holidays :D just that i don't even have time to update my blog, It's not that i don't have time but errrr LAZY to update maybe?? The best moments of the year was at the Comic Fiesta XDD. Too many awesome COSPLAY. I don't know where to start. So just go there if you want to know the atmosphere XDD. Probably will be going for the next year too :)). Okayy now just counting days for going back to the college T___T. OH NOOO and i will not be able to read YAOI manga and watching anime much there because the connection SUCKS :(( but i will bring along my Kuroshitsuji and Hanasakeru Seishounen DVDs :P. Now i'm counting down toward this Saturday for NEWS fanmeeting ^__^.

Dec 6, 2010
Today I went to play badminton with Asyhraf, Ikram & Khairil. Tak puas hati. Perlu ada match lagi untuk membalas dendam lebih2 lagi Ikram. hahaha. So that's it. LOL. nothing much.